Sunday, October 9, 2011

Regular physical activity and exercise.

Do we need regular physical activity or exercise?

Medical and health organizations have acknowledged the importance of regular physical activity or exercise towards better health.

Exercise is good for all ages, both male and female. Regular physical activity and exercise does bring about a healthy lifestyle.

The National Health Service of UK has listed some of these benefits.

Benefits of regular physical activity and exercise
It's medically proven that people who do regular physical activity have:

  • up to a 35% lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
  • up to a 50% lower risk of type 2 diabetes
  • up to a 50% lower risk of colon cancer
  • up to a 20% lower risk of breast cancer
  • a 30% lower risk of early death
  • up to an 83% lower risk of osteoarthritis
  • up to a 68% lower risk of hip fracture
  • a 30% lower risk of falls (among older adults)
  • up to a 30% lower risk of depression
  • up to a 30% lower risk of dementia
Source: National Health Service, UK

For more information, read the chapter conclusions of “Physical Activity and Health,” a report of the Surgeon General, USA.

Need to be convinced, read the “Benefits of Exercise” from the Exercise and Physical Fitness Page of George State University.

You can get started by just walking. Walking is one of the most regular or common physical activity.

Get more tips about walking and ten reasons why we need to walk.

Watch these videos and listen to experts talk about exercise / physical activity and its benefits.

1. Why Exercise, part 1 & 2.
2. Why Exercise Is Good For You.

3. Home workout-No Equipment or Gym Needed!

4. Core Exercise without Equipment

5. Exercise & Fitness Tips : How to Exercise at Home Without Equipment com/watch?v=Zs_fnX0-5qY

6. Do Interval Cardio With No Equipment; Body Weight Exercises Only

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Travelers, beware of your cash and valuable

The primary intention of a thief is to steal your possessions and they can do so in many different ways. Some call them pickpockets, scam artist burglars, bag snatchers, muggers, robbers, and burglars.

These gangs would target tourists and others who may carry with them money and valuable items. Tourists are main targets as they are not too familiar with their surroundings and are unlikely to stay too long in the city to be witnesses at court trials.

Besides street crimes, some gangs also prey on hotel guests and visitors to the malls and other crowded areas.

Good location for pickpockets - many opportunities

Pickpocket happens all over the world, especially in urban areas. Every city has it popular spots for pickpocket criminals.

The pickpocket may not physically harm you. However, the bag snatchers, muggers, robbers, and burglars will not hesitate to use force to steal from you.

A pick pocket is a thief who steals your possessions (mainly cash and valuable) without you noticing it. Pickpocket can be committed by an individual or a group. Looking at these pictures, the thieves appear well trained.

Beware of your surroundings - seeing is believing as in the pictures

Lost your direction? What about your wallet?
Stealing - under the table

Beware of these scenario

  • Someone who steps on your leg and then wants to brush off the dirt. While your attention is diverted to watching that person, his or her partner is going through your pockets
  • A colorful character that comes up to you to sell a scarf, flower, tell your fortune, etc. If you take out your wallet to buy or give money, you will be amazed to be told “no, not necessary” as his/her hand zips or shuts your wallet for you. Only to notice it later, that your money is gone.  
  • If coins or other objects are accidentally dropped in front of you. (As you assist in picking them up, another person is assisting in the removal of your wallet.
  • If groups of individual (usually women or kids) suddenly surround you, sometime holding a paper in front of your view.
  • If an individual tries to polish your shoes without your permission.

Safekeeping of cash and valuable

Cash is not the only items you need to protect. Besides the normal passport and travel documents, and cash/traveler's check, nowadays, more travelers are traveling with their credit cards, portable computer, mobile phones and other portable entertainment gadgets.

Just imagine - when you try to reach your wallet at the cashier's counter, it was gone. In the wallet were some cash, and there were cash, two credit cards ATM card and few other important items.

The theft could have occurred, in your hotel room, in crowded side streets, shopping malls, and or any other crowded locations.

You realize that you have to spend hours contacting your credit card company, your bank and other contacts to report these losses.

You found out too that you do not have the necessary references and account numbers to report on. Your vacation time is affected and your mood to.

Do you want to be a victim? Hope not. Otherwise you may be spending your precious hours on reporting losses and follow up activities.

Preparation and awareness

These incidents can be avoided, if you are better prepared and aware of your surroundings. Most importantly, do take the appropriate precautions.

Awareness of and protection of your cash and valuable can mitigate most of your security concerns and wasting valuable time on follow up action.

Some precautionary measures to consider.
  • Avoid carrying large amount of cash and valuable when you are on vacation
  • Credit cards and travelers are alternatives to carrying cash, but it has its advantages and risk factors 
  • When carrying any of these items – passport, money, backup credit card, keep it in a money belt under your clothing. 
  • Do make copy of these documents. references and contact details
  • Never or avoid place anything of value in your back pants pockets, preferably in the front pockets.
  • Most petty crimes are committed in public places – such as parks, all kinds of public transportation, hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, sport stadiums, toilets and wash rooms and movie houses.
  • Though most petty criminal and pick pocket gangs are not violent, however some street gangs may use weapons or use force to rob you of your cash and valuable. 
  • If someone appears too friendly or does something odd, just put your hands in your pockets and keep on walking.
  • Consider prepaying for accommodations. You likely will feel more comfortable knowing you have a place to spend the night if the worst happens. 
  • Take precautionary steps such as – keep phone numbers for replacing the credit cards; make copies of plane tickets and passport. 
  • Need to have access when you – could be in a separate luggage or with your friends which you can contact during an emergency.
Get ready to watch the videos

(a) Beware of scams - watch this video – pick pocket gangs stealing from tourists openly
Gypsies in Italy stealing from tourists openly - Tourists to Italy be warned
(b) This video shows "Pickpocket in action"

For references and more on petty crimes:
“Crime in Rome”
“Pickpockets in Paris: How to avoid Becoming A Victim”
“17 Barcelona safety tips – pickets”
“ Is New York City Safe?”

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that "... some 2.5 billion people – two fifths of the world's population – are now at risk from dengue. WHO currently estimates there may be 50 million dengue infections worldwide every year. In 2007 alone, there were more than 890 000 reported cases of dengue in the Americas, of which 26 000 cases were DHF."

Symptoms of Dengue fever
Key Facts: Dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever. 

  • Dengue is a mosquito-borne infection that causes a severe flu-like illness, and sometimes a potentially lethal complication called dengue haemorrhagic fever.
  • Global incidence of dengue has grown dramatically in recent decades.
  • About two fifths of the world's populations are now at risk. 
  • Dengue is found in tropical and sub-tropical climates worldwide, mostly in urban and semi-urban areas. 
  • Dengue haemorrhagic fever is a leading cause of serious illness and death among children in some Asian countries.
  • There is no specific treatment for dengue, but appropriate medical care frequently saves the lives of patients with the more serious dengue haemorrhagic fever.
  • The only way to prevent dengue virus transmission is to combat the disease-carrying mosquitoes.

Read more about Dengue, its transmission, characteristics, treatment, immunization, prevention and control at   WHO media centre. 

Prevention of Dengue in Travelers by American Society of Microbiology (ASM) 

According to ASM, "... There is no completely effective method of preventing dengue infection in travelers visiting tropical areas. The risk of infection can be significantly decreased, however, by understanding the basic behavior and feeding habits of the mosquito vector and by taking a few simple precautions to decrease exposure to infective mosquito bites. 

Female A. aegypti mosquitoes prefer to feed indoors, with peak biting activity occurring for 2 to 3 hours after daybreak and for 3 to 4 hours before nightfall. 

Although the risk may be higher at these times, it is important to remember that the mosquito may feed indoors at anytime during the day as well as outdoors, especially on overcast days. 

Precautions, therefore, include staying in screened or air-conditioned rooms, spraying these rooms with aerosol bomb insecticides to kill adult mosquitoes indoors (especially in bedrooms), using a repellent containing dimethyl-metatoluamide (DEET) on exposed skin, and wearing protective clothing treated with a similar repellant. 

The risk of exposure may be lower in modern, air-conditioned hotels with well-kept grounds and in rural areas."   Source: American Society of Microbiology

Symptoms of Dengue fever - more information.

Symptoms and What to Do If You Think You Have Dengue - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The principal symptoms of dengue are:

· High fever and at least two of the following:

o Severe headache

o Severe eye pain (behind eyes)

o Joint pain

o Muscle and/or bone pain

o Rash

o Mild bleeding manifestation (e.g., nose or gum bleed, petechiae, or easy bruising)

o Low white cell count

Generally, younger children and those with their first dengue infection have a milder illness than older children and adults.

Watch for warning signs as temperature declines 3 to 7 days after symptoms began.

Go IMMEDIATELY to an emergency room or the closest health care provider if any of the following warning signs appear:

·         Severe abdominal pain or persistent vomiting
·         Red spots or patches on the skin
·         Bleeding from nose or gums
·         Vomiting blood
·         Black, tarry stools (feces, excrement)
·         Drowsiness or irritability
·         Pale, cold, or clammy skin
·         Difficulty breathing

Like to know more about Travelers’ Health, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
More information on how to Reduce risk. Click here. 

Avoid being bitten.

You should take immediate action to prevent mosquito bites during the day, particularly early morning and late afternoon by using:

  • cockroach surface sprays indoors in dark places such as behind cupboards and under beds and tables where dengue mosquitoes like to rest 
  • personal insect repellents
  • plug-in zappers indoors 
  • flying insect spray (knockdown spray) in the air. 
  • Get rid of dengue mosquito breeding sites
Dengue mosquitoes breed in containers that hold water. The dengue mosquito does not breed in rivers, swamps, open drains, creeks or mangroves. These mosquitoes do not like to travel far from mosquito breeding sites. The best form of control is to get rid of dengue mosquito breeding sites around the home. Dengue mosquitoes breed in containers that hold water, such as:

  • buckets
  • tyres – discarded with no rims 
  • tarpaulins and black plastic 
  • pot plant bases · vases 
  • boats
  • tin cans and plastic containers
  • roof guttering 
  • rainwater tanks with damaged or missing screens 
  • birdbaths
  • drain sumps
  • fallen palm fronds
  • striking containers (to grow plant cuttings)
  • coconut shells.
"Stop the mosquito breeding -  and you can stop the disease." 

Take precautionary measures and you will have a good VACATION." 

More links on Dengue Fever

Dengue fever
Dengue Fever (management plan) for North Australia:
How to reduce risk of Dengue Fever.
Reduce risk.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Tips on fire safety in hotels

Hotel fire accidents …

According to a US Fire Administration report, an estimated 3,900 hotel and motel fires were reported to them each year  and that caused an estimated 15 deaths, 150 injuries, and $76 million in property loss.

Hotel fire incidents: 

  • occur daily all over the world.
  • can strike at anytime at any place and it does not choose its victims.
  • do caused injuries or even deaths.

Hotel fires – examples of hotel fire that happened in different parts of the world. Some of its occupants,   who were unable to escape or be evacuated on time,  died due to smoke inhalation or its blazing fires. 

Low Rise Hotels
A High Rise Hotel
If you are staying in one of these hotels: 
  • What would be your reaction? 
  • Do you know what to do for yourself or your family?
  • Wish you had spent few minutes to locate the fire emergency exits or fire safety measures.  
It is extremely useful, if you are familiar with basic fire safety tips. You will be less likely to panic and more likely to survive. 

Get to know your hotel fire safety requirements,  whenever you check into a hotel. It takes only a few minutes to find out, but it can save your life in a real fire.
  • Be familiar with the location/s of fire emergency exits and stairwells.
  • Normally displayed near to elevator lobby of each floor. 
  • Important to pack a small torch light in your travelling kit.
  • Place your torch light, together with your mobile phone, other emergency items, near to your bed each night.
In a fire, while it is natural for individual is to want to get out of the room quickly, but it has to be safe. 
  • Do stay calm and consider alternatives. 
  • Do not risk your life, or break your arms / legs by jumping out from high floors.

More safety tips on hotel fire.
For your personal safety and also to save lives, do not miss this opportunity to know more about fire safety.
  • Make a copy of these safety tips, retain in your travel kit for reference. 
  • Be familiar with the safety tips before arrival at your hotel. 
  • Refresh the safety tips in your room after you have check in.
  1. If you awake to find smoke in your room, grab your key (or key card) and crawl to the door on your hands and knees. 
  2. Do not stand-smoke and deadly gases rise while the fresher air will be near the floor.
  3. Before you open the door, feel it with the palm of your hand. 
  4. If the door or knob is hot, the fire may be right outside. 
  5. Open the door slowly. Be ready to slam it shut if the fire is close by. 
  6. If your exit path is clear, crawl into the hallway. 
  7. Be sure to close the door behind you to keep smoke out in case you have to return to your room. 
  8. Take your key/key card, as most hotel doors lock automatically. 
  9. Stay close to the wall to avoid being trampled. 
  10. Do not use elevators during a fire. They may malfunction, or if they have heat-activated call buttons, they may take you directly to the fire floor. 
  11. As you make your way to the fire exit, stay on the same side as the exit door. Count the doors to the exit.
  12. When you reach the exit, walk down the stairs to the first floor. Hold onto the handrail for guidance and protection from being knocked down by other occupants. 
  13. If you encounter heavy smoke in the stairwell, do not try to run through it. You may not make it.
  14. Instead, turn around and walk up to the roof fire exit. Prop the door open to ventilate the stairwell and to keep from being locked out. 
  15. Find the windward side of the roof, sit down, and wait for firefighters to find you.
  16. If all exits are blocked or if there is heavy smoke in the hallway, you will be better off staying in your room.
  17. If there is smoke in your room, open a window and turn on the bathroom vent. 
  18. Do not break the window unless it cannot be opened. You might want to close the window later to keep smoke out, and broken glass could injure you or people below.
  19. If your phone works, call the desk to tell someone where you are, or call the fire department to report your location in the building. 
  20. Hang a bed sheet out the window as a signal. 
  21. Fill the bathtub with water to use for fire fighting. Bail water onto your door or any hot walls with an ice bucket or waste basket. 
  22. Stuff wet towels into cracks under and around doors where smoke can enter. 
  23. Tie a wet towel over your mouth and nose to help filter out smoke. 
  24. If there is fire outside your window, take down the drapes and move everything combustible away from the window. 
  25. If you are above the second floor, you probably will be better off fighting the fire in your room than jumping. A jump from above the third floor may result in severe injury or death.

More hotel fires  A list of major hotel fires in various part of the world,   from 1909 to 2011.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Marina Bay, Singapore, the Lion City

Singapore is a popular travel destination and is extremely visitor friendly. In 2010, it attracted 11.6 million visitors, with a tourism receipts of about S$18.8 billion. The top visitors arrival market are from Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Australia and India.

A new visitors destination - Garden by the Bay? 

Marina Bay area

In recent months, more attractions have been launched at the Marina Bay. Check it out. You can reach these destinations by public transport, like the underground train (MRT) or buses and or taxis.

Bayfront Bridge
Clifford Pier
Common Services Tunnel
Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay
F1 Pit Building
The Float at Marina Bay
The Fullerton Heritage Precinct: Customs House,
The Fullerton Hotel Singapore

Fullerton Waterboat House,  
One Fullerton,
Fullerton Bay Hotel
The Helix Bridge
Marina Barrage
Marina Bay Golf Course
Marina Bay Sands
Marina South Pier
Millenia Walk
One Marina Boulevard
One Raffles Quay
The Lawn @ Marina Bay
The Promontory @ Marina Bay (formerly Central Promontory Site)
The Sail @ Marina Bay
Singapore Flyer
Suntec City
Youth Olympic Park
The Singapore Food Trail

Where to stay?

Before booking your hotel, it would practical to plan for your vacation. It is easy. Get more information for your holiday plans from here, "YourSingapore"

Visitors can select from backpacker accommodation, budget hotel (* or **) to a mid range (***) hotel. Some visitors may go for the higher range (**** and *****) luxury suites. Prices range from S$50.00 per night and below for a backpacker bed, to (*) to (***) category, from a low S$60.00 from a low of S$50.00 to high of S$300.00. per night. Alternatively, some may like to stay with friends or relatives, while in the Lion City. 

A good place to book your hotel on line at or You can check through a list of hotels, reasonable rates.
Marina Bay Sands - a top end hotel in the Marina Bay Area. 
You do not have to stay here, many less pricey hotels are close by. But if you decide to, that will be exciting. Great view for you. Marina Bay Sands is an integrated resort fronting Marina Bay in Singapore, development of the Las Vegas Sands, USA. Considered as the world's most expensive standalone casino property at S$8 million. With the casino completed, the resort features a 2,561-room hotel, a 1,300,000-square-foot (121,000 m2) convention-exhibition centre, the 800,000-square-foot (74,000 m2)

The Singapore Flyer, a giant Ferris wheel, began its construction in 2005 and was completed in  2008. As an observation wheel, it soar 42 stories high, with a total height of 165 m (541 ft), It is considered the tallest Ferris Wheel in the world, taller than the Star of Nanchang by 5 m (16 ft) and the London Eye by 30 m (98 ft). The Flyer is located 

Situated on the southeast tip of the Marina Centre, it comprises a 150 m (492 ft) diameter wheel, built over a three-story terminal building which houses shops, bars and restaurants, and offers broad views of the city centre and beyond to about 45 km (28 mi), including the Indonesian islands of Batam and Bintan, as well as Johor, Malaysia.
The Singapore Flyer 

The Singapore Flyer is located at  30 Raffles Avenue - Singapore 039803.

If  you planning to visit the Singapore Flyer or the Singapore Food Trail, these two destinations are close to each other.   

You can reach these destinations by the bus numbers, as  shown on the sign board, on the left.

Map of Singapore - using local ingredients/spices

Dining Facilities/Food Outlets

And when you are looking for food outlets, go and visit the The Singapore Food Trail.
Singapore's first 1960s themed food street type of food. The facility was opened in early 2011. The Singapore Food Trail introduces a novel concept in the local food experience. The 16,000 square feet dining haven at the Singapore Flyer boasts a strong mix of heritage hawkers who represent Singapore's original and most famous hawker foods. Other type of food outlets and cafe close by.
Try some local favorites
Staff selling hot and cold beverages
Ngo Hiang is a unique Hokkien and Teochew dish served in many of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore’s hawker centres, in addition to its place of origin in eastern China. The food, is essentially a composition of various meats and vegetable and other ingredients, such as sausage, prawn, seasoned with spice powder, rolled inside a beancurd skin and deep fried. Chinese sausage, cucumber and century egg.
Rojak is the Malay word for a salad dish of mixed vegetables. The Chinese rojak consists of a salad of mainly pineapple, cucumber, turnip, tau pok (fried beancurd) and you zhar kway (deep-fried dough sticks) freshly mixed in dark prawn paste with sugar. It is eaten with a sprinkle of crushed peanuts (sometimes pre-mixed with prawn paste and tamarind).
A Trishaw - popular means of transportation in the 60s.  
Chinese Porridge and Dim Sum

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fullerton Arboretum, Fullerton, California

What is a Arboretum? 

According to the US National Arboretum, a arboretum "... is a living museum where trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants are cultivated for scientific and educational purposes."

It would be interesting to visit the Fullerton Arboretum,  a rewarding experience for nature lovers, especially those interested in trees and plants. The Arboretum is located in Fullerton, California, a culturally rich and diverse city in north Orange County. It is about 25 miles southeast of Los Angeles. 

As a research and community education facility, its focus is on the diversity of the world's plant life and the protection of the earth's plants treasures. The Arboretum has a collection of 4000 plants.

The Fullerton Arboretum's historical links with the California State University at Fullerton (CSU) started in the early 1970s and has continued till today. It is located on twenty-six acres of CSUF-owned land at the north end of its campus.

Passport to the world of plants 

Other arboretums in the US. 

One of the biggest Arboretum in the US is the Holden Arboretum, located in Kirtland, Ohio, The Holden Arboretum, is a combination of arboretum and a botanical garden. Its combined facility has over 3,500 acres (1,376 ha), 600 acres (243 ha) of which are devoted to collections and gardens. The Holden Arboretum's collection includes 9,400 different kinds of woody plants, representing 79 plant families. 

Another reputable arboretum is the US National Arboretum in Washington, DC with over 446 acres. 
Plants do migrate too... from one continent to another?. 

Collections in the Fullerton Arboretum

The Fullerton Arboretum has some interesting collections:

(a) Cultivated collections: rare fruits and herb garden roses the origin of oranges 
(b) Mediterranean collections: chaparral and channel islands 
(c) Woodlands collections: conifers, palms, dedicuous forest, living fossils, redwoods, ombu, figs, cycads 
(d) Desert collection: opuntia and agave.
View them here - some collections and more information.

Cultivated collection -fruits

Cultivated collections - fruits

Cultivated collections - fruits

Desert collections

Desert collections
Information on "AGAVE"

Information on "REDWOODS"

Information on "California Giants"
A Bottle Tree
Information on "AMBU"

Woodlands collections
Desert collections
Woodlands collections

Woodlands collections -Bottle Tree

Woodlands collections


Check these out for more information.

a) US National Arboretum
b) The Holden Arboretum
c) Fullerton Arboretum