Sunday, October 2, 2011

Travelers, beware of your cash and valuable

The primary intention of a thief is to steal your possessions and they can do so in many different ways. Some call them pickpockets, scam artist burglars, bag snatchers, muggers, robbers, and burglars.

These gangs would target tourists and others who may carry with them money and valuable items. Tourists are main targets as they are not too familiar with their surroundings and are unlikely to stay too long in the city to be witnesses at court trials.

Besides street crimes, some gangs also prey on hotel guests and visitors to the malls and other crowded areas.

Good location for pickpockets - many opportunities

Pickpocket happens all over the world, especially in urban areas. Every city has it popular spots for pickpocket criminals.

The pickpocket may not physically harm you. However, the bag snatchers, muggers, robbers, and burglars will not hesitate to use force to steal from you.

A pick pocket is a thief who steals your possessions (mainly cash and valuable) without you noticing it. Pickpocket can be committed by an individual or a group. Looking at these pictures, the thieves appear well trained.

Beware of your surroundings - seeing is believing as in the pictures

Lost your direction? What about your wallet?
Stealing - under the table

Beware of these scenario

  • Someone who steps on your leg and then wants to brush off the dirt. While your attention is diverted to watching that person, his or her partner is going through your pockets
  • A colorful character that comes up to you to sell a scarf, flower, tell your fortune, etc. If you take out your wallet to buy or give money, you will be amazed to be told “no, not necessary” as his/her hand zips or shuts your wallet for you. Only to notice it later, that your money is gone.  
  • If coins or other objects are accidentally dropped in front of you. (As you assist in picking them up, another person is assisting in the removal of your wallet.
  • If groups of individual (usually women or kids) suddenly surround you, sometime holding a paper in front of your view.
  • If an individual tries to polish your shoes without your permission.

Safekeeping of cash and valuable

Cash is not the only items you need to protect. Besides the normal passport and travel documents, and cash/traveler's check, nowadays, more travelers are traveling with their credit cards, portable computer, mobile phones and other portable entertainment gadgets.

Just imagine - when you try to reach your wallet at the cashier's counter, it was gone. In the wallet were some cash, and there were cash, two credit cards ATM card and few other important items.

The theft could have occurred, in your hotel room, in crowded side streets, shopping malls, and or any other crowded locations.

You realize that you have to spend hours contacting your credit card company, your bank and other contacts to report these losses.

You found out too that you do not have the necessary references and account numbers to report on. Your vacation time is affected and your mood to.

Do you want to be a victim? Hope not. Otherwise you may be spending your precious hours on reporting losses and follow up activities.

Preparation and awareness

These incidents can be avoided, if you are better prepared and aware of your surroundings. Most importantly, do take the appropriate precautions.

Awareness of and protection of your cash and valuable can mitigate most of your security concerns and wasting valuable time on follow up action.

Some precautionary measures to consider.
  • Avoid carrying large amount of cash and valuable when you are on vacation
  • Credit cards and travelers are alternatives to carrying cash, but it has its advantages and risk factors 
  • When carrying any of these items – passport, money, backup credit card, keep it in a money belt under your clothing. 
  • Do make copy of these documents. references and contact details
  • Never or avoid place anything of value in your back pants pockets, preferably in the front pockets.
  • Most petty crimes are committed in public places – such as parks, all kinds of public transportation, hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, sport stadiums, toilets and wash rooms and movie houses.
  • Though most petty criminal and pick pocket gangs are not violent, however some street gangs may use weapons or use force to rob you of your cash and valuable. 
  • If someone appears too friendly or does something odd, just put your hands in your pockets and keep on walking.
  • Consider prepaying for accommodations. You likely will feel more comfortable knowing you have a place to spend the night if the worst happens. 
  • Take precautionary steps such as – keep phone numbers for replacing the credit cards; make copies of plane tickets and passport. 
  • Need to have access when you – could be in a separate luggage or with your friends which you can contact during an emergency.
Get ready to watch the videos

(a) Beware of scams - watch this video – pick pocket gangs stealing from tourists openly
Gypsies in Italy stealing from tourists openly - Tourists to Italy be warned
(b) This video shows "Pickpocket in action"

For references and more on petty crimes:
“Crime in Rome”
“Pickpockets in Paris: How to avoid Becoming A Victim”
“17 Barcelona safety tips – pickets”
“ Is New York City Safe?”

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