Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Joshua Tree National Park, California

"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis

Joshua Tree National Park is a amazing desert park in California, located in Twenty-nine Palms, about 140 miles east of Los Angeles, California.
"In the shadow of California's Transverse Ranges lies an arid sanctuary of almost unearthly beauty, a wilderness of exotic desert plants and sun blazed boulders, of craggy mountains and boundless shimmering plains, of sun and wind and stone. In this unforgiving clime, stillness and solitude reign. Stop and listen, and only the wind fills your ears; look about, and you will behold a land where nothing seems to move except the clouds, scudding across a sky of endless cobalt blue."  (1)
...  on a day trip to this wonderful destination. Final reminder from the flight captain, "please fasten your seat belts." 
What about my seat belt?
Journey started from Honda Stadium, Anaheim and traveled along Twenty-nine Palms Highway, passing through Morongo and Yucca Valley.
More snowy mountain - is this the Colorado mountains?
Harnessing more natural wind power / energy....
Arrived and ready to explore......after more than two hours driving.
It was a wonderful journey and like to share our experience with you. Pictures taken during the trip and grouped under, (a) Joshua Trees and plants/greens, (b) rock formation and (c) view from a distant.

(a) Joshua Trees and plants

Joshua Trees - found mostly in the western half of the park - the Mojave Desert habitat - at elevations above 3000 feet. 
Melo is taking the lead.  Which way to go - north, south, east  or west? Pets must be leashed at all times and not allowed on trails and beyond 100 feet from any parked road, campground, or picnic areas.
   The moment you see a Joshua Tree - you know you are somewhere in the Mojave Desert.
Joshua Trees - alive or dead -is home for many small animal and birds, like loggerhead shrike, Scott's oriole, red-tailed hawk, ladder-backed wood-packer, American kestrel and western scrub jay.

Joshua Trees, plants and rocks.
Patches of green and yellow. There are about 813 species of vascular plants in the park.
This is not too tall. 
More shrubs and greens. 
Not too tall either? 
It grows about an inch a year,  but how high can it grow?

More about the Joshua Tree: 
"Growing to a height of 40 feet, this huge yucca (which, technically, is not a tree at all) seems to assume as many poses as a runway model. Its trunk bristles with a grizzled bark; from its twisted branches sprout clusters of fibrous green leaves, as pointed as paring knives, and in spring, fat white blossoms."  (1)
(b) Rocks / boulders

Information about the rocks and its formations.
"Here, the land is also littered with astonishing rock formations. Exposed to the forces of erosion, masses of ancient granite have been splintered into shapes of all descriptions and polished to a fine finish. Rising like islands from the pebbly desert floor, they are as plump as marshmallows. Whether as small as a grapefruit or as big as a stadium, standing alone or massed in improbable piles, they are especially breathtaking at sunset, when their polished faces seem to reflect all the colors of the sky." (1)
It is hot and dry, we  to drink more water. As you stared at the rocks,  different images and lots of imagination flows through your mind. 

(c) A view from the top

More on Joshua Tree National Park.

The park existed for more than 5000 years ago. Initially occupied by members of the Pinto Culture, followed by the Serrano, the Chemehuevi, and then Cahuilla tribes of the Native Americans. The park has a rich cultural history. It has a museum that housed more than 123,253 items in its collections. It protects about 501 archaeological sites, 88 historic structures, 19 cultural landscapes.

With an area of about 800,000 acres or 3237 square meters, the desert park can hold more than 8200 zoos, equivalent to the San Diego Zoo in California. The park is renown for its huge piles of rocks, unusual plants, birds and and small animals.

What else can we do at Joshua Tree National Park?

Need to come back again, during the cooler season. It will be fun to camp overnight. More discovery and exploration. 

It depends on your interests, the season of the year,  and the hours you like to spend at the park.  

These activities? Such as, camping, hiking, climbing, driving (four-wheel drive vehicle) birding (bird watching) wildlife  and more of the wilderness. See link for more information (2)    

Some Reminders:

(a) As this is a desert park, bring sufficient drinking water. Avoid life-threatening situations, like getting stuck in the middle of the park and without any drinking water. Your car may breakdown or keys get locked inside the car. Simple precautionary measures, like carrying enough drinking water can minimize such incidents.

(b) Adopt fire prevention measures whenever you are in the park. 

1 comment:

  1. This was a wonderful trip! =) Next time, Leina will be with us!
