Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mt Pulag in 2013, a trek to the puffy cloud and colorful sunrise.

Our group of 12 adventurous trekkers visited Mt Pulag for a 2 day overnight trek in April 2013. Mount Pulag is located between the borders of provinces of Benquet, Ifugao and Nueva Vizcaya.  A place rich in cultures and with diverse biodiversity.
" The mountain hosts 528 documented plant species. It is the natural habitat of the endemic Dwarf Bamboo, (Yushania niitakayamensis) and the Benguet pine (Pinus insularis) which dominates the areas of Luzon tropical pine forests found on the mountainside. 

Among its native wildlife are 33 bird species and several threatened mammals such as the Philippine Deer,Giant Bushy-Tailed Cloud Rat (“bowet”) and the Long-Haired Fruit Bat. 

Mount Pulag is the only place that hosts the 4 Cloud Rat species. It has one of the most diverse biodiversity of the Philippines, with the newly found (since 1896) 185 grams Dwarf cloud rat, Carpomys melanurus, a rare breed (endemic to the Cordillera) and the Koch pitta bird among its endangered denizens." 
 (Source: Mount Pulag)

The actual trekking - to begin at the jump off point, known as the Baba lak Ranger Station, Mt Pulag National Park. It will take many 5 to 6 hours of bus ride from Baguio Bus Station (BBS) and few more hours of jeepney rides, from BBS  to the ranger station.

Our bus left Victory Liner Station at Cubao, Metro Manila at about 11pm, Sunday night and arrived before 5am at the Baguio Victory Liner Bus Station.

For us to proceed with the trekking event, we need clear some requirements at these venues or offices:
a) the Mt Pulag Protected Area Office (MPPAO) - for a briefing on environmental protection of the National Park. 
(b) Tourist Assistance Center / Mt Pulag Eco Tour Guides and Porter Association (MPEPA) for assistance with from the guides and porter assistance, and final clearance from
(c) the Baba lak Ranger Station (BBL RS) - for clearance to start of the event.

The tour guides and porter assistance center (MPEPA) is located next to the BBL RS. Registered guides must accompany the trekkers during their journey. They provide excellent assistance and service to the trekkers/tourists.

All images shown below are taken from actual visit, except some of the banners shown here.
If you required assistance, check at this station before your trek starts.

The beauty of Mt Pulag

This office - an agency responsible for the protection of Mt Pulag 

After our departure from the Baguio Bus Station around 5am in a big jeep, we arrived at a convenient store for a quick breakfast at about 6.30am.
Breakfast stop at this convenience store
After breakfast - jeepney ride to Ranger Station

On the way to the Ranger Station these are some of the wonderful views we came across.

More pictures opportunities along the route to MPPAO where we attended the briefing in support of good ecological practices in Mt Pulag National Park. From here, another jeep ride of about 90 minutes to reach BBL RS. The group arrived at BBL RS, just around lunch time. Trekking started off from the BBL RS after our simple lunch on Monday. 

A simple, nutritious lunch - pork adobo with vegy and lots of brown rice
Your back pack - for you use at Base Camp 

Is the backpack too heavy for you - do you have enough strength to let it stay on your back/shoulder for few hours. If you are not able, suggest you engage a porter. 

It does make a lots of difference for the climb. And your hands are free to take more pictures. The packs may weigh from 10 to 18 kilos per pack. Can you handle it?

A  pleasant and helpful porter - stronger than you, can lift up to 15 kilos on her back

What is your expectation for the event? The nature and its environment - clean and with minimal pollution - along the trail and up on reaching the summit. Some of these pictures will confirmed what we saw up on the summit during our trip.

Some of us did experienced some slips and falls during the trek. But we were all safe and sound. No serious mishaps during this event. Do remember to bring sufficient water to quench your thirst and avoid any dehydration or muscle cramps.
Other equally helpful and capable porter to assist you 

This is where we will pitch our tents for our rest for the night.

Direction sign to the Restroom or Comfort Room 

A cool and beautiful site 

Another view of the site 

All hands on board - time to pitch the tents 

Did you pitch your own tent - or someone did it for you? 

Important facility - your Rest or Comfort Room at the Camp - definitely different from your home 

Stunted trees - covered by moss 

Moutain without much tree - "bald mountain" nickname for these mountain with much tall trees 

Trees along the slope  - no soil erosion 

More plants, ferns and shrubs 

Time to set up your tent - this is the place 

After a long trek, we all need some rest too. 

Dwarf bamboos 

Setting up camp 

Tents are pitched 

Is there a place for me to rest for the night

Need to rest early, need to start trekking by about 4am the next morning in time to catch the first glimpse of the colorful sunrise.  

You need to trek for an hour or two, from the base camp, through total darkness to reach the summit. Head or hand torchlight is handy to avoid any accidental fall or that your path is clear. Do bring a light with you. 

You witness the white and puffy cloud, moving gracefully in the midst of a colorful rising sun. A real scene beyond my description. 

Sun is about to rise 

Another wonderful scene 

More colorful scene too

Equally captivating - sun rise 

Sun - rising - through the cloud 

View of the neighbouring mountains 

You have it all, the sun, the cloud and the coolness of the summit 

More of the cloud - a example of cloud junction 

Cloud high up, mountain in the distant, and the grassland infront of you. 

Mossy forest in the distance

Time to break camp for the descent 

All hands on board

Being the third highest mountain in the Philippines, we were so glad that we did reached Mt Pulag,  at an elevation of 2992 m (9,587 ft). We were rewarded with the magnificent view of neighboring mountains when we reached the top of the summit, the beautiful white puffy cloud and the colorful sunrise. 

We are leaving the camp site in the same condition as when we arrived so that others can enjoy the place and its wonderful scenery/view.

We hope to visit one of these destinations in the near future: 
Mt Apo, Mt Mayon and or Mt Kinabalu.


  1. This is beautiful Daddy! Looks like you had a wonderful time! Enjoyed reading your blog and learning about Mt. Pulag. The pictures are beautiful!
